So here I am after not posting for almost 2 months.....I have my 18 month old sitting next to me and I have my 10 day old daughter sleeping peacefully in her swing right infront of me. It has been a crazy 2 months. With holidays, bedrest, guests and traveling I have not had much time.
Our daughter, Jerica Joy came on January 8th at 2:39 am! She weighed 7lbs and 2oz and was 20 and 1/2 inches. She cames 3 weeks early and was perfectly healthy! Her birth story is a beautiful picture of Gods redemtion in my life from my previous births. Not to get too detailed, but both of my previous births were hospital, epidural, induced births. This works for many, many people and they have great experiences. But in my case, my kids did not respond well to being induced or epidurals...they both had the cord wrapped around their necks and through the process they were both in quite a bit of distress. I was rushed for an emergency section with my first and they decided not to do it after her heart rate went right back up again. I was so thankful, but after all the medication was put in my body I had to wait another 8 hours to have her. Thinking that could not happen twice.....I went into be induced with my son after being told he was so big. Welp after another 23 hour happened again. No c-section but definatly a scary and long day. I do believe that through each of their births I learned so much about myself and also about the incredible gift of life. But I was determined not to let that happen again. In fact I was so determined I had let go of my dream of having more kids. Well 9 months after Jedidiah was born, we found out we were expecting once again. We were preventing, and very careful, but once again....Jesus knows just what we need.
So here I found myself once again journeying through pregnancy but so scared of what could happen this time. So in my fears I spent alot of time in prayer and studying what could be done to make this time different. I decided to go through a midwife and after my first appointment, I fell in love with her. She came into the appointment so calm and peaceful and gave me as long as I needed to share my fears, concerns and trust issues. She listened and she walked through pregnancy step by step with me. She reassured me of my ability to have a natural birth and also she helped me release my expectations and trust issues. She became my friend. In my 10th week of pregnancy, I met one of the most incredible women I know. She became my doula. She also walked through this journey with me and answered any questions and or fears I had. I found myself becoming strong, independant and actually looking forward to my birth process with this little life.
Jumping ahead...the pregnancy was pretty normal compared to my other two until I hit about 33 weeks or so. At week 33 I found my legs were feeling incredibly painful, so at my next appointment I brought it up with my midwife. She told me I had about 8-10lbs of water weight due to swelling in my legs. She had me on semi bed rest and gave me some natural options to help the swelling go down. Well it was horrible timing....3 days before Christmas, we had family in town and life was nuts! I tried to do all I could but the swelling only increased to where I had about 20 lbs of water weight adding up! My legs and feet were HUGE! About a week after this appointment I noticed a knot behind each of my knees, they were super painful and where the majority of my pain had started. So a week later at my 37 week appointment I showed my midwife and she reffered me to the doctor....he sent me to the hospital right away to get an ultrasound done on my legs to see if there was any clotting. They sent me home after the hospital on full bedrest. Well I got a call that after noon that the doctor wanted to see me once again. So the next morning I went and he sent me to the hospital to see a specialist. Once again they found no clotting and sent me home on bedrest. Two days later I had my regular check up. I met with the doctor. He cleared me to go back with my midwife, but he wanted me induced in the next week due to the severity of my swelling. Before scheduling induction, he wanted to check me to see where I was at. To my suprise, I was already 4 centimeters, 75% effaced and at -2 station....for those of you who dont know, I was not this far with my other two until i was well into being induced and laboring. The doctor seemed to think I wouldnt make it past the weekend but he scheduled my next appointment with my midwife for monday morning. I went home with hope that I could get labor going naturally before I had to be induced. So castor oil it was! I ate a whole pineapple and drank the midwifes cocktail with castor oil. I tried to nap but couldnt, I was anxious to see if it would actually work. I was willing contractions on my body. Well sure enough around 7 that night, my contractions started becoming very regular and very little pain. About 8 or so, my doula called to see how I was....I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes and about 45 seconds long. She decided to come over. Sooo we spent a couple of hours laboring at the house and helping labor progress. About 10:30pm we left for the hospital. They checked me and I was almost a 7.....So i was able to labor in the jacuzzi tub they had in my room for a while. About 1am my midwife checked me and I was still a 7. She told me that my water bag was bulging and that she would break it if I was fully my choice. After talking with James, we decided to break my water. Once I got cleaned up, I went for a walk through the halls and thats when I noticed pain really beginning and not much of a break. So after a while I decided to go to the tub once again. This is when I noticed the contractions were lasting longer and finding them incredibly painful....I knew I was so close. I was so thankful for the support I had with my husband my doula and my midwife. I transitioned to the bed while going through my transition process...I remember begging for medicine when my midwife checked me and I was at a 9! Sooo close! She told me that by the time anyone came to give me medicine I would have a baby in my arms. Well sure enough 10 minutes later I was fully dialated and 9 minutes later our sweet precious Jerica Joy entered the world. As soon as her shoulders came out my midwife said, "reach down and grab your baby!" Greatest words I have ever heard. With help I pulled my girl on my cheast and was able to bond with her right away! My greatest fears were conquered! God is so good. Through having a shorter labor, to having the baby with no needles anywhere in my body, to the sweet experience of holding my baby on my cheast right away....I found Gods great redemtion through my deepest fears.
Through being given the name Joy, she has given me great joy as I found incredible joy even through the pain of her birth. She is such a sweet little girl. She cries only when she needs something, she loves to snuggle and she has adjusted to our life so well. I couldnt be more thankful for her life, her joy and her story as it became a huge changing experience in my life. Thank you Jesus for our Joy!!!