A stay at home moms day to day interactions with my littles. A place to brag, be honest and tell everyone that we are all normal!!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I get to be a mom!
I feel as though I am one of the incredibly forturnate women who gets to be a mom. I get to spend my days doing laundry, picking up messes, cleaning faces, nursing, not sleeping, dressing little ones, changing diapers, making meals, stepping on toys, giving baths and so much more. I feel like I spend most days wondering what i did all day when I go to bed at night. But whats funny, is that I love it. Yes, there are so many days that are hard and long and exausting. I am tired most of the time. But I just dont feel like I can complain. I dreamed of this life as a child, yes, it is alot harder than I ever dreamed of but so worth it. I feel as though God has given me this desire of my heart when he didnt have to. He has blessed me in ways that many women long for.
I dont say all of this to be arrogant or better that others, but I say it to myself so that I can be continually grateful for what He has given me. I get to be a mom. I dont HAVE to be a mom. I chose that I wanted to be a mom, Jesus chose to bless me with children and by His incredible grace, I GET to be a mom. I have the most forturnate "job" or "life" of raising these precious ones. I have these lives that I get to nurture and share Jesus with. I get to snuggle in their beds and pray with them and love them. I get to clean their dirty faces and know that its because we shared a meal together. I get to put their toys away knowing that we played and played all day. I get to read them books knowing they want to be with me. I get to do laundry knowing my little ones depend on me. I get sleepless nights knowing that they need me and trust me fully to protect them. I am Jesus to my kids right now. I get to be a light of who he is and what a relationship with Him is like. If I want my kids to fall in love with Jesus, I need to be fully in love with Jesus and fully in love with my kids. They look to me and depend on my to teach them about this world, and I GET to be their mom. What an honor.
So when you are tired, exausted, longing for a break, or just frustrated, think of all the women who are dieing to be in your place right now. Think of all the women who are begging Jesus to do all the things that you are complaining about. I have to continually tell this to myself. Its hard and its a tough job being a full time mommy, but the rewards and benefits are so beautiful.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
2 years already?!

That little boy is now my two year old. Is amazing what happens in two years! He has grown into this vivacious, full of life, fun-loving, charasmatic, zealous, people-loving, gentle in spirit, caring, incredible boy! He makes me laugh so hard. I fall everytime for his mop of curly blonde hair and huge blue eyes. He knows just how to steal someones heart. He runs to hug people and has left us speechless with how much he loves. He is gentle and sensitive and really cares for people. He knows when someone is hurting and it breaks his heart. He LOVES the bible and he loves Jesus. He begs to read stories and he always want to pray together. He cares deeply for his sisters and longs to love them. Yes, he is not aware of his own strength at times and can bulldoze over someone or fall flat on his face. He cries hard and he laughs hard. He is all or nothing. He knows what he wants and he will go full force for it and fight who is in his way. He is our earliest riser and last to go to bed. He cuddles the most and he fights us the most. He loves anything that would resemble a bat or a ball. He loves to run and jump and skip and basically just go go go all the time.
Sweet Jed boy, you have made my life rich, full, fun and so out of the ordinary. Your hug softens my heart and your little voice can melt the hearts of many. I love to hear you growl and all your animal noises and when you work so hard at saying your abc's and when you laugh so hard you cant contain it. You bring me joy, laughter and you teach me how to rest in who I am. You teach me how to love without abandon. You fully describe the picture of the little children that Jesus tells us to be like. I pray that you use all of these rare, amazing qualites that make up your design and that you fall in love with Jesus. I pray that he finds his way into your tender heart and that you know Him as yours. I pray you trust how you were created and your beautiful charachter and you run with it. I pray you find your strengths and weaknesses protected and that you find absolute joy in who YOU are. I cannot believe I get to be YOUR mom. I am the luckiest mom in the world. Happy Birthday my sweet Jedidiah David!