That little boy is now my two year old. Is amazing what happens in two years! He has grown into this vivacious, full of life, fun-loving, charasmatic, zealous, people-loving, gentle in spirit, caring, incredible boy! He makes me laugh so hard. I fall everytime for his mop of curly blonde hair and huge blue eyes. He knows just how to steal someones heart. He runs to hug people and has left us speechless with how much he loves. He is gentle and sensitive and really cares for people. He knows when someone is hurting and it breaks his heart. He LOVES the bible and he loves Jesus. He begs to read stories and he always want to pray together. He cares deeply for his sisters and longs to love them. Yes, he is not aware of his own strength at times and can bulldoze over someone or fall flat on his face. He cries hard and he laughs hard. He is all or nothing. He knows what he wants and he will go full force for it and fight who is in his way. He is our earliest riser and last to go to bed. He cuddles the most and he fights us the most. He loves anything that would resemble a bat or a ball. He loves to run and jump and skip and basically just go go go all the time.
Sweet Jed boy, you have made my life rich, full, fun and so out of the ordinary. Your hug softens my heart and your little voice can melt the hearts of many. I love to hear you growl and all your animal noises and when you work so hard at saying your abc's and when you laugh so hard you cant contain it. You bring me joy, laughter and you teach me how to rest in who I am. You teach me how to love without abandon. You fully describe the picture of the little children that Jesus tells us to be like. I pray that you use all of these rare, amazing qualites that make up your design and that you fall in love with Jesus. I pray that he finds his way into your tender heart and that you know Him as yours. I pray you trust how you were created and your beautiful charachter and you run with it. I pray you find your strengths and weaknesses protected and that you find absolute joy in who YOU are. I cannot believe I get to be YOUR mom. I am the luckiest mom in the world. Happy Birthday my sweet Jedidiah David!
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