Friday, September 10, 2010


Hi all this is my first post on this blog....I have tried this in the past and have not had much success so I will try try again. Hopefully I can update often! I am a mom to two amazing kids and I am due in January with baby #3. Today we had my 20 week ultrasound with baby 3 and we have chosen for the third time to not find out the sex. I was so pleased to find out that baby is healthy and growing and right on target. I am more than thrilled. As I have floated on clouds thinking of this baby today, I have marveled at the gift of being a mom. I have fallen even more in love with my children and have soaked in the blessing that Jesus has given me.
So after saying all of that, I went to pick up my daughter from school, we went to visit a friend of hers for her birthday and then we came home. When we got home all hell broke loose! My kids went nuts!!! My son was throwing goldfish and stoming on them, my daughter was cutting paper as she walked around the house showering it with confetti and screaming that she wanted dad instead of mom. Both kids got into a package of oreos and juice boxes so lo and behold.....crumbs and stick spots everywhere!!! I just sat on the couch and looked at my mess of a house and just laughed. Because if I didnt laugh, i would probably of started crying. So as we all counted down the minutes for daddy to get home, we are all in tears at this point! My poor husband walks into the door, tripping over a toy and screaming kids and an emotionally frazzled, pregnant wife. I really did feel sorry for him. Now after he has worked all day, he is graciously putting my kids to bed for much needed sleep, I am so thankful for him.
As I reflect on my day, I realize this is what I love about being a mom. Not always the craziness, but the joy of never knowing what to expect. One minute their laughing and the next they are crying. One minute they are as independant as possible and the next they are cuddled right next to you and grabbing ahold of your neck so tight. I love the fact that I have these little lives that Jesus so intricately designed to be my children on this earth. I adore each of their personalities and I am honestly in love with being their mom.
So we shall see what tomorrow holds, but I choose today to still float in my thankfulness and joy, that I get to be a mom!

1 comment:

  1. oh honey, i know how hard it is and it's okay to feel overwhelmed & exhausted, we all felt that way too. Give no thought to "what other people think" that has no place in your life. the days you describe were the happiest and hardest days of my life and if I could blink an eye and be transported to live them over again, I would! you are in what i call "the throes of Motherhood."
